Members :
- Alifio Rasendriya Rasyid (2201798295)
- Muchsin Hisyam (2201797430)
- Nicholas Michael Halim (2201798761)
- Ricky Anderson Ricco (2201796636)
We are going to make a database program for a bakery owner. We wanted to create this program with the goal of helping this bakery owner in keeping track of their company’s revenue, based on what they sell and the history of what they’re selling. They can write all their income and outcome down but it takes too much time and effort. This is where our database program to keep them track on their bakery.
Bakery owners usually just sell their items; they don’t know how much they sell that day. This causes them to be unaware of whether they are gaining profit or loss. They don’t know how much they sell and what revenue they get.
We are going to make a database program to help the bakery owner to keep track of their bakery selling revenue. Based on their input which will affect the database searching for the price that has been inputted and adding it into their revenue data while adding that item to the history.In addition to that, we aim to also provide basic insight at a glance for the business owner, allowing swift analysis of how well the business is doing.
Program Design
The project itself we are using MySQL for the database and for the interface we are using JavaFX. The database are using this ER Diagram as shown below.